Witech News

By: Witech Excavating

What It Means To Build With Purpose

At Witech we identify ourselves as a morally strong, Christian company. We choose our words carefully, because we see them as very real constraints that require us to live and act in a certain way. Because of this, our values mean a lot—they’re truly words we live by. 

For those of us working at Witech, our values remind us to live each day with purpose. For our clients and partners, our values encourage trust, because ultimately, when we say we’re going to do something, we do it. 

Beneath the central principle we live by, Moving Dirt With Purpose, here are the values we uphold:

1. Build With Purpose

We believe in striving to do better and build better each day in order to bring glory to God.

2. Practice Stewardship

We believe in giving back to others from the abundance we have received..

3. Your Words Matter

We are honest, transparent, and always complete our work with integrity. Our words are our promise, full stop.

4. We Make it Happen

For us, hard work is a good thing. We go all in. We’re thoughtful, courteous, and relentless.

5. Foster Relationships

People are the most important part of this business, and we focus on nurturing internal and external relationships.

6. Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility

We show love for others by keeping ourselves safe and looking out for those around us. 

7. Respect Others, Respect Yourself

Thoughtfully caring for others means we are considerate of our team, clients, families, and ourselves—especially when it comes to our words and actions.

8. Remember Where We Came From

Humility is underrated, but it’s important to us! We came from hard-working people who made personal sacrifices in order to live according to their word, and we uphold their tradition of moving dirt with purpose. 


We credit living according to our values as the catalyst in helping our business to grow into a full-service earthwork, mass grading, and excavation company capable of carrying projects from pre-construction through closeout. Because we take our values to heart, we have gained experienced people, larger projects, and many wonderful new clients.


Offering our word as our promise harkens back to the days when a handshake was sufficient for sealing a deal. When relationships are built with this kind of trust, respect for each other becomes a moral obligation.

Want to work with a company who’s good for their word? Connect with us here!


Interested in working with a company that always operates with respect? Check out our website at www.witechcompany.com!

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