In 2001, Tom Witvoet left the family business of Witvoet Trucking to start Witech Company Inc. along with his then two partners Darren Prince and Jeff Krygsheld. Striving to operate as honest, respectful, and hard-working, Witech set out to be a company that the Chicagoland area could rely on.
There was a lot of work before us to get there. In the beginning with only three people and a few pieces of equipment, we saw our share of hard times. Now we have the privilege of working on some of the most significant earthmoving projects in the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana area. A dream realized thanks to the many incredible people who are part of this team.
As our company has grown from three to over 60 employees, we’re still here doing the same thing: Moving dirt with purpose, all for the glory of God.
Thank you for being on this journey with us. To hear more of our story, watch our video below.
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