Project Details

The Spring Run Subdivision project brought Witech teams to Lowell, Indiana, where we performed residential site development for our client LBL Development. Our primary responsibility was mass excavation for 150 home sites, and we also performed mass grading, final subgrade preparation, aggregate placement for asphalt roadways, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Planning (SWPPP).

Spring Run is actually a redevelopment — the project was already designed once, but the new developer redesigned it to suit their needs. This created many unknowns because significant excavation had already been performed on the site, making it difficult to determine where dirt had been moved and how it affected the site’s original state.

Witech’s crews needed to undercut several different areas of this site, replacing the material with suitable fill. To reduce excessive stockpiling, we implemented borrow and fill techniques to balance the site. We were consistently challenged by the changing conditions on this project, as there were constant surprises that required us to call an audible for the day or, in some cases, the entire week.

General superintendent Candido Rocha and his field team worked tirelessly to provide a high-quality finished product for LBL Development. By the time we finished this project in August 2021, we had performed 255,000 square yards of grading, 65,000 cubic yards of site cut and structural fill, 50,000 CY of topsoil excavation, and 45,000 CY of undercut and fill.

Residential Site Development
LBL Development
Type of Project
Aggregate Placement, Grading, Mass Earthwork
Scoped Performance
160,000 CY of earthwork, 255,000 SY of grading
4 Months
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