Project Details

Witech performed site development for a 75-acre mixed-use residential development in St. John, IN, for BLB Development, where they moved 155,000 CY of dirt and fine-graded 350,000 SY of roadways, house pads and large commercial pads.

The existing topography of the site was challenging due to the fact that two of the existing detention basins had to be enlarged significantly in order to accommodate the new development’s stormwater run-off. Proper planning was key in the execution of enlarging these basins.

They utilized Quadtracs pulling scraper pans to move the earth on this project.

Residential Site Development
BLB Development
Type of Project
Grading, Mass Earthwork
Scoped Performance
Witech performed site development for a 75-acre mixed-use residential development in St. John, IN, for BLB Development, where they moved 155,000 CY of dirt and fine-graded 350,000 SY of roadways, house pads and large commercial pads.
2 months
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