Austin Samborski serves as a dedicated General Superintendent to the Witech family, having joined the company in June 2020. With three years of industry experience under his belt, Austin is crucial in his role as superintendent. His priorities center on ensuring that productions stay on track, as well as maintaining and checking grades onsite.
From initial stages to the final production, Austin finds immense satisfaction in being a part of a project from the jump until completion, enjoying the part he plays every step of the way.
His commitment to continuous learning, coupled with his drive to be the best for both himself and his Witech crew, contributes to his successes as a superintendent. Austin appreciates the collaborative culture within the Witech team, where every member is willing to assist one another to reach their full potential. Particularly, he values the support extended by experienced colleagues to those who are still learning, offering their insight to make space for others to learn and grow.
Regarding the industry's appeal to the next generation, Austin believes that communication is key. He suggests engaging with local high schools by inviting juniors and seniors to visit job sites. This hands-on experience can showcase the alternative opportunities available besides pursuing a college education. Austin wants to convey that a career in the industry can provide financial stability and pride in one's work.
During his free time, Austin enjoys spending quality moments with his wife and daughter. He also indulges in his passion for building derby cars, finding joy in the process of creating something unique and exciting.
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